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      Maclaren(玛格罗兰),创立于2007年,总部位于南国陶都——佛山。自成立以来,玛格罗兰秉承“智造 自然之美和用心拥护匠心”的理念,以“打造可持续发展的人居环境”为目标,专注商业空间产品的定制与服务,深受客户的信赖特别是设计师群体的拥护和喜爱,成功打造了许多国内外地标性商业项目。得益于对商业空间设计和人居环境和谐的深刻认知,玛格罗兰在2017年率先推出大规格岩板系列产品,同时为了更好的完美空间所需,积极联动家居企业解决产品融合应用问题,2020年重磅推出了玛格罗兰生态护墙板系列,更好的服务现代商业空间的集成快装产品需求。未来,玛格罗兰将继续坚持对健康生态环境可持续性发展的尊重,与客户及合作伙伴一起构想并设计现代人居生活空间解决方案,专注商业定制,以“匠心”打 造卓越性能的岩板定制品牌。

      Maclaren, was founded in 2007. The company is headquartered in Foshan, the ceramicscentre of southern China.Maclaren adheres to the concept of "intelligently creating the beauty of nature and supporting ingenuity with heart"since its inception,focuses on the customization and service of commercial space products with the goal of "creating a sustainable living environment". It is deeply trusted and loved by consumers, especially by designers, and has succeeded in many landmark commercial projects at home and abroad.
     Thanks to the deep understanding of the commercial space design and the harmonious living environment,Maclaren took the lead in slab products in 2017. At the same time, in order to better satisfy the needs of space, it actively cooperated with household enterprises to solve the problem of product integration and application, upgraded products and launched the Maclaren ecological wall panel series to better serve the product demand of modern commercial space. Maclaren will adhere to the respect for the sustainable development of healthy ecological environment, work with customers and partners to conceive and design modern living space solutions, focus on commercial customization, and create excellent  customization slab brand with "ingenuity".